The Magic Porridge Pot

This week in our English work we have continued to look at traditional tales.  We have read a variety of versions of 'The Magic Porridge Pot' and have compared the story to other traditional and fairytales we know such as 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears' and 'Cinderella'.  We found a number of similarities, including the vocabulary used at the beginning and ending of all of the stories.  We also found that often these kind of stories include some kind of villain, and magic in some form or other!  Next week we shall continue our work on this story, and write our own versions.
In our number work we have continued to count forwards and backwards with numbers to 100.  We played games which started our counting at different numbers, we identified missing numbers and even became teachers when we corrected Mrs Spark's mistakes when she was counting forwards and backwards! 
We have also enjoyed playing the phonics game below.  We loved beating our own time and are getting so much more confident at spelling and writing longer words.  Feel free to have a go at home: